Montag, 22. April 2024

Wann ist der Ukraine - Krieg vorbei?


Wann ist der Krieg vorbei?

Die vielleicht anspruchsvollsten Aufgaben, die der Mundanastrologie gestellt sind:

Wann kommt der Krieg?

Wann kommt die Kapitulation?


Wenn uns gar nichts sonst einfällt immerhin schauen wir nach dem Mars.

Hier der vorletzte: Kriegsanfang:

24. 2. 2022, 3:40, Moskau

 Militärisch/Technische Spezialoperation Russlands.



Aszendent Schütze mit Mars/Venus im 1. Haus = die bewaffnete Versöhnung. Jupiter Haus 2 = In der tiefen (Fische) Defensive.

Mars + Venus =  Angriff und Verteidigung, mit hervorragender logistischer Lage.

Sonne Quadrat Mond. Das Zentrum und das Volk in Resonanz.


Ein krasses Beispiel am 7.10.2023. Al Aqsa Flood in Israel


Pluto-Mond -Mars

Ein Opfergang um Heimat Staat und Seele des Menschen, Krebs und Waage und Steinbock

Zugleich: Merkur-Intelligenz auf dem Mars des Feuer-Elements.

Zugleich: Jupiter-Feuer-Uranus: 14° Stier

Zum Vergleich:

17. 12. 1938 Uranus auf dem Uranus des Feuer-Elements.

Zugleich: Sonne auf Sonne/Venus des Feuer-Elements

17. 12. 1938, Hahn/Meitner, erste Kernspaltung am Uran.


Zu sehen: damals Uranus-Transit, die Kern-Spaltung am Uran.


Uranus und Jupiter-Transit: Jupiter der Versöhner und Uranus der  Spalter am Uranus= Ursprung. Jeder Ursprung ist Sprung, Abspaltung vom Ungeteilt-Sein. In Richtung auf den Eintritt in die Zeit.

Heute 2 x 21° Stier auf Feuer-Uranus seit 1602.

 Was die Prognose angeht: Wir sind am Üben.

Ständiges Studium hat die Menschheit vor sich, bevor sie bewusst astro/menschlich denken lernt.

Da ist das Gefühl weit voraus aber eben soweit zurück.

Also jetzt: das Kriegsende.

Was haben wir im Tierkreis für „Ende“ (und Anfang)?

Da ist einmal Saturn: der Entzug von Zeitlichkeit – die Trennung

von Leib und Zeit.

Aber dann ist da Neptun: die Löschung in der Tiefe

des Vergessens – und das Aufsteigen aus ihr dann als der

Zorn des Mars

Zwei Beispiele für Bedingungslose Kapitulation:

8. 5. 1945 (in Russland 9. 5. 1945) Berlin

Bedingungslose Kapitulation der Wehrmacht

In der Darstellung: mit Königskonjunktionen in den 4 Elementen

Die Königskonjunktionen sind natürliche Zeit Raster, welche zuerst die Persisch/Arabische Astrologie beobachtet hat.

Hier sind nicht nur Mars/Mond durch Quadrat und Opposition mit Saturn und Neptun in Resonanz verbunden. Neptun ist außerdem im Transit auf den roten Mars/Erd-Uranus der Königskonjunktion im Feuer-Element und Sonne auf dem Mars der Erd-Konjunktion.


Hier zum Vergleich der 30. 4. 1975: Saigon kapituliert bedingungslos.

 Schließlich noch ein Blick auf das aktuelle Septar im Erdelement des Aggressor,  auf Washington:


Zwischen dem 17. März und dem 17. Oktober dieses Jahres ist durch Fische die Opposition Sonne/Mond im 12. Haus mit Neptun im 6. Haus ausgelöst.

Diese Resonanz löst die Schwäche/Auflösung des Zentrums aus. Von dieser Auflösung ist auch Pluto in Widder, das planende Zentrum der Kriegsführung, im Fische-beherrschten 9. Haus betroffen.


Murnau, 22. 4. 2024, UTC: 13:01.


! 6,8° Jungfrau: Mars Feuerelement

! 6,8° Fische: Pluto Erdelement

Freitag, 5. April 2024

The Presence of the Earth-Archetype Shaping the Fate of the Empire

"What Mach wanted, although it could not be 
carried out, was the total elimination of everything
 from the interpretation of nature that "is not
 ascertainable hic et nunc." But then one soon 
sees that one does not understand anything - neither
 the fact that one has to assign a psyche to others
 (only one's being acsertainable) nor the fact that
different people are all talking about the same  
(physical) object. ... Thus, in order to meet the
 requirements of both, instinct and reason, one has
 to introduce some structural elements of cosmic
order which "in themselves are not ascertainable."
It seems to me that with you this role is mainly 
taken over by the archetypes".

Wolfgang Pauli to C.G. JUNG, 
31 March 1953

" ... archetypes", so the psychologist. Astrologer's  kind of "structural Elements of cosmic order" are the traditionally zodiacal signs of the fathers of the west between the Indo-Persian Bounds and Oregon, uniting Instinct and reason at the mirror between psyche and matter in 'the' astrological zodiac.

Astrology has 'it' in the unknown six mirrors between heaven and hell, with earth and soul between them with Earth's 360° horizon continuously  danced around within the zodiacal signs and the Gods attributing to them,  both,  ruling the times and being ruled by the times.

Now Astrology is a living thing. A common place, thrived  in Bagdad of the  8 and 9th Century.
Those astrologers inherited the Zia al Shahs, the kings-books which were collections of rhythms of planets like Saturn and Jupiterin in their Great - and Kings Conjunctions.i
in God's continual creation

The great Abu Ma'shar of Balkhi living in Bagdad wrote the book: "Kitab al milal wa'd duwal". 
"Book  of Religious Communities and Dynasties" , and  "On the Great Coniunctions".

In the school of Wolfgang Döbereiner the chronicler learned the name and concept: "Kings Conjunction" (KK) as the first in a time-string of 10 'Great Conjunctions' of Saturn/Jupiter in  the  signs of the same element giving the element's 'shape' for this element for the next ca. 800 years.

So for examble for the element Earth giving the vessel for the unity and fight of the four elements of
the creation. and it's last Kingsconjunction was in 1802

In this tradition the chronicler has  done a certain amount of research over the last 30 years. He wrote a number of essays and 2006 learned ,he had to thrash most of it and 

to depart from Döbereiners KK in Element earth of 1842, 

because the real first one was 1802. Causa was the overlapping of the first conjunction in earth-element (= KK) 1802  and the last in fire (1821). Döbereiner (1928 - 2014)' of 1842   didn't know it. 

To make the infinite story short: the chronicler gives his brightest light  to the earth-element and the KK's between - 642 and 2577 with main focus on 20/21 Century, following the idea, that 'earth' as element is  the receptacle in which the hostile elements meet and fight , and with earth one has the condition for all four. And as Earth is a sphere it presents two controversal halves.
And indeed Earth appears in the zodiac, like all other of the four elements, on three levels. So Earth appeares  physically as Taurus', emotionally as  Virgo's and spiritually as Capricorn's .

To come to the presence: time is a rhythmical being. And a birth, what kind ever into the psycho/physical matrix one might say, has to be a moment,  "radiating" into time, sensible to the roving 'gods' in their circling  'radiation'.

So our present earth-shaper, our K in the element earth, as living sender and receiver from time-waves is this one:

Birth of the current earth-aeon

To watch how the shape of this figure is taking shape, step by step in the centuries, bears the chance
instead of being victim of it, to be a conscious artist of time, taking care for it's dangerous seeds and thriving on its nourishing fruits. The technique required for this is easy, called transits of current planets or 'lights' (Sun and Moon) over a 'birth-planet' of the earth-aeon.
Each week a part of the chronicle. 

But there is a second tool:

The 'septars' (from septem 7,) capture the rhythmic of the wave-nature of any birth. While any sign, light and planet has its rhythmical number, according to 'Döbereiner's Rhythmenlehre', the rhythm of Moon is the Seven ruling the unconscious motives in, of and for each's life.

The technique: the seven-rhythm moves, beginn with the birth's ascendant, in steps of 7 months/years, so, when the 12 x 7-month/years-steps are completed after 12 x 7 months = 7 years , or 12 x 7 years = 84 years.
After 12 x 7 months/years the first birthday's constellation is fulfilled. The horoscope of the next 12 x 7/months/years is taken off the first birthday at exact the moment of the same Sun-position  like the  birth' one,
First brthday beginning the second septar, second birthday gives the third septar, tenth birthday gives the eleventh septar,  for the time from 70 to 77, and so on.

Now I hope, it is possible, to comprehend, what I'm telling about, when I present our current 31. Septar for the earth element of the northern hemisphere. It is based on the 30. birthday of the Kings Conjunction of 1802.

31. Septar of the Kingsconjunction in the earth-element
northern Hemisphere

17. 7. 1832, UTC 4:38
for the time 7. 17. 2012 - 2019.

What does it tell us about the entire northern hemisphere? 
It is due to mankind, to apprehend  it's psycho/physical fate by watching  the septars of  this aeon's lifetime between 1802 and 2577. 

Here and now, the green marked 'players' from 2012 - 2019 are doing their secret works within the unconsciousness of our hemisphere.

Firstly: since 217 years Sun in Cancer rules the earthly things. A hint on the incessant emergence of the female 'continent' in the  private corporative, housekeeping and official matters of the world.

Looking for the 'original sinners', we have to contemplate that. By the way, Hillary's official e-mails on private servers serve as aptly illustration.

Secondly the Neptune in Capricorn with his water-green marked resonances to Mars and Sun/Venus.
Neptune in Capricorn signifies,, that the matters of Capricorn,  the collective rules manifested by state and officialdom as subject to dissolution. As the rhythm of the septars have a progression from birthday to birthday of 2, ° grades the  record is, that from the 20th Septar for 1935 - 1942 till the end of the 32th Septar of 1833,  2019 - 2026,  the Neptune will continue to move through Capricorn.

What this politically induced was clearly visible shortly past 1935.: The resolution of Austria's State's order and even more radical the stap-wise, finally  entire resolution of the Czech state by the executer of the unconscious fate, Germany. 

17. 7. 1821, UTC 12:53 Prag
20. Septar for 1935 - 1942

It's easy to do a little history and compare the acts with the green and red time-steps in the outer ring of the chart.

for comparison: Berlin 1935 - 1942.

The nearly identical charts signify the fact, that perpetrator and victim use to have the same activated archetypes, both with resoluter Neptune and toppler Uranus activated in resonance with sacrificer Pluto at the definite end of  a time = 29,8° Pisces.

Now for  the present time  we are in the last four months of the 31. Septar. The empire has  3 remaining months of as senseless as relentless blind rage according to a Mars in the first house (expansion) of Aries, 

31. Septar 17. 7. 1832 UTC 4:38
2012 - 2019

while the European vassals are engaged with the attempts of sovereignty, according to the ascendant of Leo,  between Paris and Moscow, which's Sun and rule in the 12th house signifies: "not yet in the present world".
31. Septar 17. 7. 1832 UTC 4:38
2012 - 2019

while only the far east of Europe with Sun in the 11. house (genesis) is given the opportunity for origin of sovereignty.

31. Septar 17. 7. 1832 UTC 4:38
2012 - 2019

And the neptunian green marked Sun/Venus and Mars in opposition and square tell resolution as well as new spring. 

Finally the outlook at the empires next seven years according to the 32. Septar, beginning on July 17 this year:

32. Septar, 17.7.1833 UTC 10:34
2019 - 2016

Plain to see, the empire has the fate of the European vassals of the last 7 years: sovereignty 'not in this world',  dissolution instead.

So, this was an attempt to build a symbolic bridge  from unconsciousness to awareness for the comprehension of the symbolic traits, signifying some powerful rhythmic contents, of recent past and presence. It was an attempt, considering the mass of aspects, to focus strictly on the telling septars of the earth-element.

A lot of ad hoc representations are in the body of 'astromundane diary'  since 2014, to be googled by

Murnau 4. 17, 2019, UTC: 20:09.

And now an addition is due: the Septar of the current  Moment. It septar number 32 for Moscow:

and in contrast

Number 32 for Washington


and you clearly can see, that Washington, since March, is in a Pisces - condition in the 6. house, = dissolution of the conditions of life, by Neptune, executing that, in oppositional intensity with Sun/Moon, the Identity and sovereignty in the  house 12 =  of dissolution.

Well we are the witnesses, to reflect our attitudes and understand the constellations, and their pure  mysteries of the  geocentric game.

Murnau: 4. 5. 2024, UTC: 20:36.

Samstag, 6. Januar 2024

Cephalopods in the South?

 At the end of the Middle Ages, the debate about whether the Earth was a sphere or a disk led to the argument that the inhabitants of a sphere opposite to us, the antipodes, would indeed fall down from the Earth. From the fifteenth century onwards, appearances have taught Europeans that this is not the case.

For five centuries now, the man of the Northern Hemisphere has already been on the "upper" (why not the lower half of the Earth's sphere. You know, or can know, that "down under" everything is the other way around, as with us: the Sun rises on the right and moves to the left when you look at it, back to the pole. The meteorological lows turn around on the right, the highs turn around on the left in a south-clockwise direction. And, but – here we have it: the Australians and South Americans use our North clocks with clockwise turning hands against their own Sun course, as they use the North calendar as a world calendar, etc.

But the most interesting thing is that even the most meticulous planetary ephemerides reproduce a nonsense:

Equinoctium for Buenos Aires based on the otherwise super-exact ephemeris by Dr. Alois Treindl & Astrodienst Zurich:

9/23/2007, UTC 9:51 for 33.23° South and 58.32 West:


Buenos Aires is located three hours west of Greenwich, so it's 6:51 local time at the time of the equinoctium there and the Sun has just risen. However, the drawing according to the information of the ephemeris does let the sun rise in the east, but the east is just in the southern hemisphere not on the left, but on the right, if you look equatorward.


Similarly, the penny has not yet dropped as far as the circles of daylight hours, astrological houses and signs of the zodiac are concerned:

Hourly locations of the Sun (black) and astrological houses (red) in the southern hemisphere.

Since the Sun runs backwards through the houses in its apparent daily movement, it of course also does so in a corresponding way as seen from the southern hemisphere, and the zodiac must be drawn accordingly for the southern sky.

So much for the hours, signs and houses of the daily celestial movement.

So far, the celestial annual movement has also been considered north-born. If, in the above example for Buenos Aires, the Sun is at a scale of 0 °, vertically above the equator, then so far autumn has been started carelessly on September 23 in South America as well. I can only wonder at that. For my understanding of the world's and the sky's symbolic truth spring means Aries and nothing else at all; hence , Libra is also the code for the state of nature: autumn. When the Sun enters Aries, the bright day begins at the pole, which lasts for half a year there, and when it enters Libra at 0°, the pole night begins. Didn't it become day in Antarctica, last weekend, didn't the Sun rise over the circular horizon there?

Therefore, at the beginning of the southern spring, the Sun can only be noted at 0° Aries. If you also write them down on Libra for the southern half of the planet, then it's like saying that Southerners would walk with their heads and think with their feet.

From this it follows that not only the position of the Sun, but the position of all the planets and the Moon must be re-annotated to the exactly opposite position. Only in this way will Capricorn  will remain Capricorn = winter, and Cancer remain Cancer, that is, summer.

From what has been said, it also follows that those time clocks of the eons that originate from the royal conjunctions of the four elements must also be re-annotated for the southern Hemisphere. The fire- conjunctions of the Northern Hemisphere are the air- conjunctions of the Southern Hemisphere, and the earth - and water - conjunctions also change their places. Thus, with respect to the currently valid Kingsconjunctions in the four elements, the following picture emerges:

As I see it, we of the Northern Hemisphere should, in general, take care of our own affairs first and let those in the South have their own watches in peace. From this point of view, the astrology of the Eurasian cultural tradition is a Northern matter and from the time considerations of the Incas and  other indigenous peoples,  Aborigines, etc., one can very well derive one's own original Earth- and celestial calendars for the southern hemisphere. But if, in the age of the world style, world calendars are to be used, then one should always be aware that the bourgeois southern New Year should have started on (northern)  3. and not on January 1, and the astronomical solar year just not on March 20/21, but on September 23.

Murnau, 1. 6. 2024, UTC: 15:05
