Mittwoch, 18. September 2024

DAYS AND EONS - 2,600 Years of Royal Conjunctions - Elements of a World Astrology. (3)

 The world horoscope of - 642

It was a figure on the verge of datable history: the Greek merchant, traveler, sage and statesman Solon.

In his time, the ancient, aristocratic state constitution had come into crisis in Athens. The nobles were engaged in incessant selfish struggles with each other and with the crowd of the poor.
For the year – 594/593, the Athenians had elected Solon as arbitrator and archon of Athens. After coming here, it had been customary to sell tenants, who could not pay their debts to the landowner, into slavery, an oppressive fate that hung over many and led to incessant unrest.
Solon abolished this "borrowing on the body" with his famous, historical reforms, as he canceled all debts in the first place.
Thus he put an end to the fact, that the human person (of the free citizen of Athens) could be treated like a thing: an early 'declaration of human right' in history.
In my reflections, the question arose as to how well the planet Uranus might have stood at that time and whether it had visited a 'ruler' from the kingsconjunction in the earth element of 642 BC in conjunction? In summary, I interpret Uranus, the lord of the sign Aquarius, as the 'human planet', just as HÖLDERLIN saw man when he wrote in the 'Hyperion:

"But man is a God as soon as he is human.“

Such 'being human', in the sign of Aquarius, I understand as in the spirit of human love, as in the spirit of transcending all distinctions in genders, nations, classes and other affiliations. Just as the psychic image of the 'One and Only', the Creator God of the Old Testament, so his image of 'man' can only be the fully developed individual whom Uranus, as I understand him, calls man to become by the Spirit. The great Aquarius-ascendant C.G.JUNG referred to this as the individuated 'self', which means something like that with an individuated person a general, divine something has a civil address and an account with a Savings Bank, just an individual living unique in space and time.
So also Nikolaus V. Kues (1401 - 1464):

"Man is God, but not absolutely, because he is
human. He is therefore God in a human way.
Man is also the cosmos, but not in every
relation, because he is human.
He is therefore a microcosm.“

So Uranus, the god-man planet, where might he have stood during SOLON's reform?
As if SOLON has abolished old statutes, in which sign of the zodiac, by which of the 12 signs and consequently by which planet, would such statutes be represented in the sky?
The following thought was found for this: the unchanging measures and arrangements of the times are given to nature by the 'paternal' sign Capricorn and its ruler Saturn. These cannot be cancelled out, as H2O is the molecular arrangement for water for all eternity.

A good five hundred years ago, a man was born in Switzerland who was lonely, hostile, but endowed with indestructible self-confidence, unusual at that time, wrote in German:

"So, what's the point of using precepts, letting people learn from custom, virtue, discipline, and the like? Now no one but God can give a commandment that would be constant & immovable. Therefore, these commandments must be made according to time and canceled and others put in their place.
This word of PARACELSUS points to man-made commandments that are to be made according to time. However, I see such commandments and thus the power to arrange them in time indicated in Scorpio, according to its ruler Pluto. Of course, it is not Pluto who then carries out the cancellation of the same – who rather resists it with all the fanaticism of which the 'conservatives' are capable, but the 'canceller' Uranus is responsible for this before the 'dissolver' Neptune.
Now, by the way, it is interesting that SOLON actually, as PARACELSUS demanded, established his laws for a limited time, namely, a hundred years. But immediately after the laws were drawn up, according to the Greek writer PLUTARCH, people began to tell him every day that he should change this, put it down as it was meant, whether that was not the correct interpretation
"it's a difficult thing",
as he himself says - as a justification for his travels,
"to satisfy all sides in big matters".

He bought a merchant ship at the end of his archonship and set off on a journey of 10 years in the hope, that during this time one would get used to his laws. (PLUTARCH, Solon). Previously, he had the Athenian council members swear, that they would not change the laws for ten years, nor would they violate them, if punished in the form of a golden statue the size of the life of the violator of the law, which was to be donated by him for the sanctuary in Delphi.

Solon and the World Horoscope

So there was the world horoscope Kingsconjunction from 11.1.-642 and the consideration: the fast–moving planets including the Sun are to be excluded, there is only the year date for SOLON's archontate - 594/593. So everything that is faster than Jupiter, which runs through the 30 degrees of a sign in the period of one year, is out of consideration. At the time of the winter storms, the consideration continued, no one went to sea at that time, so one may think of spring/summer. The recognition of the laws by holy oath and thus their effectiveness was apparently just before departure, so that it could have been at the time of the Sun in Taurus / Twins in May, as Taurus rules that which gathered to stay in (sitting), that is, the territories and the rights valid in them, while Twins rules the surroundings and interstices outside the limited.
If you want to talk about the heavenly script of the kingsconjunction, it made sense to try the beginning of May, then the Sun of May 1. would have been, for example, at 3 ° Taurus versus the kingsconjuction's Sun at 2.1 ° Scorpio. That would be a significant position, the astrologers call this opposition, which puts both positions in intensity at the same time. It means the connection of the image“ ruling power in the community“ = Sun in Taurus with that of the commandment, the statute, Scorpio, that is, exactly what happened. Ten days later, the Sun was then at 12-13° Taurus opposite Mercury in the Scorpio of the Kingsconjunction. This opposition would also make sense, since Mercury is "switching" the regulations of traffic in the world, including such stipulations as concern the dimensional and exchange ratios of coins and goods. The Solonian laws also contained wise and detailed provisions in this area.
But above all, Mercury is a cornerstone in the kingsconjunction of -642, because 'father' Saturn and 'son' Jupiter met in one of Mercury's two realms, under the sign of Virgo. More of this in a moment, but first the exciting question: has the annuller now touched Uranus or the dissolver Neptune of the planet Pluto, or is the whole parallel order of signs in the sky and what is happening on Earth just an imagination?
The picture of the daily constellation of the first Corn – 593 was somehow disappointing, not fish nor meat. Neptune was in an uninteresting position. Uranus but at 1.7° Pisces was already really close to the king's Pluto but this distance of 4.4° was unsatisfactory. From experience it was known tom me, that real "hits" are more accurate. For a week I searched and pondered back and forth, scoured the Internet to see if historians might disagree about the chronology of the Solon archontate, and hope!! In a student report, the year number was actually set one year later. On the other hand, if the number of years is not in dispute among the specialists, then the deviation of a student suggests the thought of an error after all. Despair! - But the solution came. The solution came to me when I was thinking about the Julian calendar again and – I had it in the back of my mind – "the year 0 does not exist, the count jumps from 1 BC directly to 1 after CHR. I checked this in the computer ephemeris, and see: she threw out a decent horoscope for the year 0, which does not exist. So the computer does not know that the year 0 did not exist. So then the year – 593 with its constellations, which the computer throws out, is actually the year – 594 in the chronologies of historians.
So I typed in the year – 592 for May – 593 of the History Chronicle (10. 5.) and this was the result:

Kingsconjunction earth element of - 642
Uranus in May - 593 (592)

A merchant at the beginning

SOLON was elected to his office after he had helped the city out of difficult situations before and because he had proved, to be the only authority and independence in the dispute of the parties. The office bore the name "Archon", which is derived from 'archo' = to be the first, and at that time meant the supreme ruler of Athens. Now the politics and legislation of SOLON, to which the Uranus transit to Pluto of the king's conjunction gives such a clear indication, are the work of a man who, although of high noble origin, whose family fortune was almost consumed by the generosity of his father. Even in his youth, therefore, he chose trade as his destiny, not primarily "as some assure" (PLUTARCH) for the sake of profit, but for the sake of learning and experience.

The merchantship of SOLON makes him appear as the figure standing in the entrance gate of a whole epoch of more than four thousand years. And this for the following reason: in the first half of the millennium before Christ's birth, a new form of time broke into the conditions dominated by a noble world and its chivalrous rule of thumb with the royal conjunction of – 642. According to the meeting place of "father" Saturn and "son" Jupiter in Virgo, it is the realm and soul of Mercury, who is called to make a new dress for the world (Northern Hemisphere). In the text of PLUTARCH it becomes clear how, in contrast to the defiant self-loathing of the noble families squatted on their seats, it was the merchant who brought the freshness of a new, finer human being into the world.
"At that time, work', as HESIOD says, 'was a disgrace to no one', this also applied to trade. Merchhantship had a noble reputation, as it brought the good things that the barbarian peoples enjoyed, gave the opportunity for friendship with their kings and a rich stream of experiences. There were merchants who had built great cities, such as PROTIS the founder of Marseille, to which the Gauls so hung near the Rhone. You can also hear from some that THALES and HIPPOCRATES the mathematicians traded; and that PLATO financed the costs of his travels by selling oil in Egypt. SOLON's gentleness and generosity, his rather generally exoteric than philosophical tone, which he strikes in his poems about pleasure, has been attributed to his merchant life; for, once you have suffered a thousand dangers, it is only natural to compensate for them by some rewards and pleasures; but that he understood himself as poor rather than rich is clear from the following lines: 
"Some common people are rich, some good people are poor,
we will not change our virtue for their wealth delusion.
To carry away virtue, that is what no one is capable of;
But the money changes its master with each new day“ 
As shown above,
the peculiarity of the royal conjunction of 'father' Saturn and 'Son' Jupiter is that they assign the respective periods of almost 800 years to a formative zodiac shape, namely the one in which they met for the royal conjunction, Virgo in this case. But that's not all: over the series of 800 years, the series of 5 royal conjunctions in the earth element lies in the sign of Virgo: -1376, -642, 149, 1007, 1802, which is replaced by the next kingsconjunction of 2577 in the earth element in Capricorn.

12. 1. 2577

It was therefore about 2.600 years, that the figure of Virgo, that is the bourgeois merchant, had time to transform the world style and re-naturalize it. When, 113 years later, the Greek League under the leadership of Sparta and Athens was able to assert itself against all probability in the naval battle of Salamis and then in the land battle of Plataea against the Persian world power, it was on the part of Athens that the bourgeois foundations were laid by SOLON. which provided the moral basis for this victory. In the victory of the Athenians and their allies, in the Battle of Salamis, a new great breakthrough of the bourgeois people against the corrupt old world being of the aristocracy appears.

To be continued:

Murnau 9. 18. 2024, UTC: 19:28.


in addition:

the brandnew Chart of the
Transits on the
current 800-years

SMO and Sanctions from Hell

Transits on the latest Kingsconjunction in the element earth
valid til 2577

Types of major common intensities of the zodiacal

Samstag, 31. August 2024

DAYS AND EONS - 2,600 Years of Royal Conjunctions - Elements of a World Astrology. (2).

 For an answer then look to the sky. However, the astrologers of antiquity would not have been looking for Neptune, because it was discovered only in 1846. In the view of their time, the affairs of Pisces were indicated by Jupiter to the then Lord of Sagittarius and Pisces, so they would have been looking for this one and then they would still have had to distinguish between the Pisces meaning of Jupiter and its meaning as the ruler of the sign Sagittarius.

We, on the other hand, have to look at Neptune in point of the sea, but because of its great distance, it is known that it cannot be seen with the naked eye. And until recently we were using the celestial tables, those "tables of the night", which are ephemeris (from gr. ephemeris = diary). From them we took the daily star stands. Until the computer age, ephemeris were printed, today they are available for free on the Internet for a period of 7000 years. The respective star statuses, read and recorded, lead us to the question of their evaluation and thus to the significance of the constellations.

This illustration for 'standing rhythm' shows the vibration pattern that is created when a steel plate with fine sand is set into vibration on it. I show them to give a sensual idea of what the invisible "standing" resonances look like, which wander with the Sun, the Moon and the different planets. Wherever you are currently walking through the zodiac, the 180° opposite and the two 90° corners in the zodiac are always your resonance nodes, and whenever a light / planet passes through these resonance zones, it is constant, i.e. the resonant vibrations that he goes through react with his own. Mind you, what I call 'resonances' are (so far) not physically measurable facts, but analogies of temporal correspondences and intensities. But their common 'vibration product' in turn resonates to our respective own vibrations according to our own horoscope. The result, transit constellations are physio/psychic intensities, according to the motto: the 'gods' as the founders of intensities. Here are the function-signs of structural links of the main constellations:

The angles of 0°, 90°, and 180° are called conjunction, opposition, and square; they are the main constellations that indicate that in the world, especially in suitable places, different world components are "swinging" into a common event. It should be noted that in astrology, in addition to these four main constellations, all possible angular positions of the stars are observed and interpreted. [2] It is experience that the ideal case of a conjunction of 0° or a square of 90°, or an opposition of 180°, is often not needed for an effect to become visible: even the run-up of a still "weak square" at an angle of say 85 ° often already acts as a constellation. This area of activity is called "orbis" and astrologers limit it to more or less 7 °, the Sun and the Moon also more. If all events were indicated solely by the current daily constellations, Venus and Neptune would be connected in one of these three main constellations in the sky above "Salamis", without ifs and buts. If we look at the daily horoscope with the planets known at that time, there is no main constellation of Venus with Jupiter to be recognized. At most, that Pisces - ruler Jupiter is in the 'city- sign' of Taurus. But this happens every 12 years for a year and is not enough as an indicator of a historical situation.

29.9.480 BC Naval battle in the Gulf of Salamis, ancient style

If you take the time from late summer to late autumn of the year as a precaution, it turns out that Venus has a clear (square) resonance with Neptune only at the beginning of November. Now the constellation according to today's fine calculations, (Moon neglected):

29.9.480 B.C. Naval battle in the Gulf of Salamis
todays style
There is no connection of Venus neither with Jupiter nor with Neptune. According to all experience, a clear picture of the sky with a direct connection of the two stars in question corresponds to such a concise state as "city on the water". But the second oracle had ended with the following words:
" Divine Salamis, you will destroy the children of women,
When the demeter grain is sown or harvested.“[4]
However - the daily constellation does not provide a compelling analogy to what is happening on Earth. Now let's try the Kingsconjunction. Here the reader will ask what one should imagine under a king conjunction. In the first chapter I go into this question in detail, so here in the introduction just so much: it is a meeting of Saturn and Jupiter, under circumstances that only occur about once every 800 years. Now if at the moment of the meeting of the two planets a snapshot of the entire solar system, as seen from the Earth, is taken, then one has the Kingsconstellation with the exact zodiac locations where the respective lights and planets, the whole heavenly society, were stored at the moment. Here is the royal constellation of - 642 BC in the Earth element, as it was authoritative until 149 AD:

and here is the transit of the day of Salamis to the Kingsconjunction, the picture is amazing: Not only does the Kingsconjunction for the 790 years of her 'reign' over the affairs of the Earth element (Northern Hemisphere) generally show the Venus / Neptune connection, but on the day (in the days) of Salamis, the ongoing current Neptune is added as a transit.

1. 11. - 642
Kingsconjunction in the earth element
Transit 29.9.-480
In the Kingsconjunction of 642 BC, Venus was at 13.6° Sagittarius 162 Years later we find Neptune in the early autumn sky of 480 BC. in his then current position: it is 12.3° Sagittarius

1. 11. - 642
Königskonjunction in the earth-element
Transit 29.9.-480 complete
Now there it is, this ascertainable "something", which, as far as I know, cannot yet be explained with previous physical hypotheses: a current celestial position necessarily enters into exactly one constellation with a celestial body of a "king conjunction" which (in this case) dates back 162 years, which corresponds to a remarkable real event on Earth to the hair. A "coincidence", in the colloquial meaning, is to be excluded if it can be proven that such "coincidences" occur repeatedly. If that were the case, how would that be possible?

To be continued,

Murnau 8. 31. 2024, UTC 20:01.

Donnerstag, 22. August 2024

DAYS AND EONS - 2,600 Years of Royal Conjunctions - Elements of a World Astrology

"The task of man would be ... to what comes from the
unconscious, to become aware of it, instead of being
unconscious about it or to remain identical with it.
In both cases, he would be unfaithful to his purpose
of creating awareness. As far as we can tell, it is the
only meaning of human existence to light a light
in the darkness of mere being. It is even to be
assumed, that, as the unconscious affects us, so too
the multiplicationof our consciousness on the

C.G.JUNG, Memories, Dreams, Thoughts, p. 329.

This attempt
did not come about because I really wanted to write a book. In fact, it has never pushed me in my life to sit hour after hour in concentrated lack of movement in front of a typewriter or a computer keyboard. (As is the case now). I wouldn't have even known what great things I would have had to share, I'm clearly poor in ideas for fantasy stories. But when, towards the end of the nineties, after twenty years of astrology-madness and astrology-sobriety, very unexpected insights came to me, I became aware that I was beginning to become a kind of bearer of secrets. Lonely against my will - with whom, except for a few students, could I share what I discovered – but who could also benefit from what I discovered, as long as it was only kept "in my chest"? Of necessity, I had to learn to write, accept the lack of movement in front of the computer and compensate with walks in order to somehow bring the unexpected piece of world knowledge that had fallen to me closer to the consciousness of the general public. The present experiment is the result of the work of the last five years. (2005) It contains neither more nor less than elements of a newly discovered calendar. I had discovered a kind of mysterious reflection. She used to show herself when I came up with a picture that aptly summed up a historical situation. This reflection then reflected the simultaneity of 1. an event, 2. a celestial position on the day of the event, 3. the position of a "royal star", and 4. last not least, my consciousness attending the event. The situation could be represented in the following quaternio [1] or cross of opposites:

Since an idea is something that happens to one that can neither be forced nor directed, an autonomous act of the unconscious self betrays itself in the idea, which with this idea expresses that it is interested in a piece of attachment to consciousness. And again and again the unconscious has surprised me in recent years with its precision and its 'knowledge'. The most recent example occurred when I thought of Athens at the time of the Battle of Salamis, so I read a little in Ranke's "World History" for a snack. In the Gulf of Salamis, not far from Athens, in 480 BC, the Persian world power, to its own excessive surprise, was annihilatingly defeated by the fleet of the Greeks led by the Athenians. But it was not about this battle itself that I was interested, but about what happened before. To make a long story short: the Athenians, in view of the impending Persian invasion, asked the oracle at Delphi. This one replied: "Wretches, are you still sitting there? Arise, flee to the ends of the earth...“ (Herodotus, Book VII, 140). The completely shocked took advice and, with olive branches in their hands, went to the oracle a second time as a supplicant for protection. This time there was a faint glimmer of hope:
"behind the wooden wall"

only protection can be obtained. Wondering what was meant by that? Against the interpretation of the oracle interpreters, the Athenians finally decided to interpret one of the nobles of their city, Themistocles: the wooden walls should be interpreted as ship walls. Thus, when the Persians arrived, Athens was evacuated, and the defensive part of its citizens found themselves on those hundreds of ships, for the construction of which the Athenians, on the advice of Themistocles, had previously invested the riches gained by newly opened silver mines. This story raised the question in me: what might it have looked like in the sky when an entire city retreated to the sea in a certain way? What did it look like in the sky, the amphibious city? According to astrological classification, the answer can only come from the following stars: from Taurus-Venus = the city, and from Pisces - Neptune = the sea.

To be continued:

Murnau, 8. 22. 2024, UTC 13:05