Erdhälften und Königskonjunktionen
- The Presence of the Earth-Archetype Shaping the Fate of the Empire
- Erde Earth Element 1802 (anklicken)
- Wasser Water Element 1305 (anklicken)
- Luft Air Element Element 1980 (anklicken)
- Feuer Fire Element 1603 (anklicken)
- Astrologix-Debatte
- Astrologix-Debatte "Halbkugeln"
- Astrologix - Debatte: Tropischer Tierkreis
- Grandola-Konstellation
- Königsarchiv
Dienstag, 9. Januar 2024
Samstag, 6. Januar 2024
Cephalopods in the South?
At the end of the Middle Ages, the debate about whether the Earth was a sphere or a disk led to the argument that the inhabitants of a sphere opposite to us, the antipodes, would indeed fall down from the Earth. From the fifteenth century onwards, appearances have taught Europeans that this is not the case.
For five centuries now, the man of the Northern Hemisphere has already been on the "upper" (why not the lower half of the Earth's sphere. You know, or can know, that "down under" everything is the other way around, as with us: the Sun rises on the right and moves to the left when you look at it, back to the pole. The meteorological lows turn around on the right, the highs turn around on the left in a south-clockwise direction. And, but – here we have it: the Australians and South Americans use our North clocks with clockwise turning hands against their own Sun course, as they use the North calendar as a world calendar, etc.
But the most interesting thing is that even the most meticulous planetary ephemerides reproduce a nonsense:
Equinoctium for Buenos Aires based on the otherwise super-exact ephemeris by Dr. Alois Treindl & Astrodienst Zurich:
9/23/2007, UTC 9:51 for 33.23° South and 58.32 West:
Buenos Aires is located three hours west of Greenwich, so it's 6:51 local time at the time of the equinoctium there and the Sun has just risen. However, the drawing according to the information of the ephemeris does let the sun rise in the east, but the east is just in the southern hemisphere not on the left, but on the right, if you look equatorward.
Similarly, the penny has not yet dropped as far as the circles of daylight hours, astrological houses and signs of the zodiac are concerned:
Hourly locations of the Sun (black) and astrological houses (red) in the southern hemisphere.
Since the Sun runs backwards through the houses in its apparent daily movement, it of course also does so in a corresponding way as seen from the southern hemisphere, and the zodiac must be drawn accordingly for the southern sky.
So much for the hours, signs and houses of the daily celestial movement.
So far, the celestial annual movement has also been considered north-born. If, in the above example for Buenos Aires, the Sun is at a scale of 0 °, vertically above the equator, then so far autumn has been started carelessly on September 23 in South America as well. I can only wonder at that. For my understanding of the world's and the sky's symbolic truth spring means Aries and nothing else at all; hence , Libra is also the code for the state of nature: autumn. When the Sun enters Aries, the bright day begins at the pole, which lasts for half a year there, and when it enters Libra at 0°, the pole night begins. Didn't it become day in Antarctica, last weekend, didn't the Sun rise over the circular horizon there?
Therefore, at the beginning of the southern spring, the Sun can only be noted at 0° Aries. If you also write them down on Libra for the southern half of the planet, then it's like saying that Southerners would walk with their heads and think with their feet.
From this it follows that not only the position of the Sun, but the position of all the planets and the Moon must be re-annotated to the exactly opposite position. Only in this way will Capricorn will remain Capricorn = winter, and Cancer remain Cancer, that is, summer.
From what has been said, it also follows that those time clocks of the eons that originate from the royal conjunctions of the four elements must also be re-annotated for the southern Hemisphere. The fire- conjunctions of the Northern Hemisphere are the air- conjunctions of the Southern Hemisphere, and the earth - and water - conjunctions also change their places. Thus, with respect to the currently valid Kingsconjunctions in the four elements, the following picture emerges:
As I see it, we of the Northern Hemisphere should, in general, take care of our own affairs first and let those in the South have their own watches in peace. From this point of view, the astrology of the Eurasian cultural tradition is a Northern matter and from the time considerations of the Incas and other indigenous peoples, Aborigines, etc., one can very well derive one's own original Earth- and celestial calendars for the southern hemisphere. But if, in the age of the world style, world calendars are to be used, then one should always be aware that the bourgeois southern New Year should have started on (northern) 3. and not on January 1, and the astronomical solar year just not on March 20/21, but on September 23.
Murnau, 1. 6. 2024, UTC: 15:05