Dienstag, 26. November 2024

The Fire-Story, Further Told.

 The penultimate union of

Jupiter and Saturn in the Kingsconjunction
in a sign of the element

7. 23. 769

This royal conjunction is vital for the development of Muslim civilization and power.
The great Muslim civilization was still young when the Abbasids ruled after the killing of the Omayads and it was the great Mesahalla who, with colleagues, provided the astrological expertise for the founding of Baghdad.

One of the Abbasids' luminaries was Harun al Rashid, during whose time as caliph he sponsored the Bait al hikma, 'House of Wisdom', in Baghdad. And in Baghdad the great Abu Mashar (787- 886) lived and worked

Compared with our consciousness, the wise scholars of Baghdad turn us into real barbarians, while in Western Asia they appear as spiritual pyramids.

Abu Mashar wrote, among other things, the book: Kitab al milal wa-al- duval,
"Book of Religion and Dynasties" .

Then after 834 years came the next, our currently valid king conjunction in the Fire element:

18.12.1603, UTC 6:55:03.

According to the old conception, there are four elements, today called 'aggregate states ',which in different proportions give us the character of the nature in which we live, consisting of fire, earth, air and water.
Just as the earth gives the vessel, the fire gives the energy to move in the different natures.

My main work has dealt with the element of earth, proceeding from the fact that the earth is the vessel by which the cosmic formula of a person survives, described in the hieroglyphs of the zodiac. One is a place and in the community of people by becoming aware of the human being, a unique soul unit, in order to become a human 'God' by serving one's own unity, surrounded by all other units ...

Now let's get into the secrets of rhythm. Arabic/Iranian astrology had found the rhythmic birthdays of the royal conjunctions (KK) in the 8th century.

Each subsequent birthday of a KK, with sun at the exact location as in the original Kingsconjunction, is the giver of a 7-year period with 12 x 7 = 84 months.

The rulers of the continuous 7-month sections, starting with the ascendant, in both directions - right-handed, as well as left-handed - are the signs at the top of the respective section and their rulers, wherever they stand.

Now in our days, my consciousness is moving the vibration of fire and I am following the septars of the Kingsconjunction of the fire element, which have occurred since 1603..

For example, in order to record the month of the Turn of the World in the 2nd World War, the Battle of Kursk, one looks at the period from June 1943 - January 1944 in red turning left and green turning right from the ascendant.

Both directions (starting at ASC) have to update the Aries on June 1943 (6'43/6'43). Ruler Mars is triggered in Aquarius He can only do what Uranus allows, and Uranus does it within the entire cluster in Sagittarius/Capricorn with Uranus = the derailleur and Neptune's resolution on a grand scale = Jupiter, in terms of reconnaissance = Mercury, and and defense and supply = Venus.

49th Septar of the Fire King Conjunction valid from 1939 - 1946
in Kursk

Another example:

I, born in 1942, lived in Hamburg until 1980, my main focus was always on its situation. So my trip to the fire element went to the 49th Septar of 1603 for Hamburg, which suffered the 'Operation Gomorrah' and lost over 32,000 souls in 5 nights between July 25th and August 3rd.

And that's it: in the fourth house of Hamburg, in 1943 in the 49th Septar of 1603, in the 4th house where the family eats, drinks, cooks, sleeps and loves.

Triggered by Neptune, who has ruled Pisces since June '43, and the chain reaction of collective winged (Uranus) mass (Venus), life (Sun) wandering (Mercury) assembly (Venus) dissolution (Neptune) on a grand scale (Jupiter).

It is the immensity of 30-40,000 dead in attacks in five nights and days at night by English, in daylight by American bombers.

A constellation is a formula. It is an offer of the gods to fulfill a destiny in a conscious = kind way, or in a deluded, nefarious campaign.

If humanity is understood as a common body, then this is a heavy fateful cluster that can be used in a deliberately benign or demonically unconscious, hostile sense.

The 49th Septar of 1942 - 1949 contains the full drama of Russia. There were 4 years between withdrawal and victory, and about 23 million people died.

Here are some other pictures of these 7 years, which show daily horoscopes:

10. 10 1041
General Zhukov takes command on the Western Front

Operation Uranus at Stalingrad

7. 13. 1943, Battle at Kursk

And here for the present:

The current fire-Septar 2023 - 2030 for Moscow

Murnau, 11. 26. 2024, UTC: 14:03


Montag, 25. November 2024



17. 12. 1938

 Hahn/Meitner  entdecken die Spaltung des Atom-Kerns.

Murnau, 2. 11. 202, UTC: 12:05.

Die Feuergeschichte - weiter erzählt.


Vorletzte Vereinigung von

Jupiter und Saturn in der Königskonjunktion
in einem Zeichen des Elements

7. 23. 769

Diese Königskonjunktion ist für die Entwicklung der muslimischen Zivilisation und macht von entscheidender Bedeutung.
Die große muslimische Zivilisation war noch jung, als nach der Tötung der Omajaden die Abbasiden herrschten und es der große Mesahalla war, der mit Kollegen die astrologische Expertise für die Gründung Bagdads lieferte.

Eine Leuchtkraft der Abbasiden war Harun al Rashid, in dessen Zeit als Kalif er in Bagdad das Bait al hikma, 'Haus der Weisheit', gesponsert hat. Und in Bagdad lebte und arbeitete der große Abu Mashar (787- 886)

Verglichen mit unserem Bewusstsein machen uns die weisen Gelehrten von Bagdad zu wahren Barbaren, während sie in Westasien als spirituelle Pyramiden erscheinen.

Abu Mashar schrieb unter anderem das Buch: Kitab al milal wa-l- duval,
''Buch von Religion und Dynastien'' .

Dann nach 834 Jahren kam die nächste, unsere derzeit gültige Königskonjunktion im Feuer-Element:

18.12.1603, Weltzeit (UTC) 6:55:03.

Es sind nach alter Auffassung vier Elemente, heute 'Aggregat-Zustände, 'die uns in unterschiedlichen Proportionen den Charakter der Natur geben, in der wir leben, bestehend aus Feuer, Erde, Luft und Wasser.
So wie die Erde das Gefäß gibt, gibt das Feuer die Energie, sich in den verschiedenen Naturen zu bewegen.

Meine Hauptarbeit hat sich mit dem Element Erde beschäftigt, davon ausgehend, dass das Erde das Gefäß ist, indem die kosmische Formel eines Menschen überlebt, beschrieben in den Hieroglyphen des Tierkreises. Man ist ein Ort und in der Gemeinschaft der Menschen, indem man sich des Menschen, einer einzigartigen Seeleneinheit, bewusst wird, um menschlicher 'Gott' zu werden, indem man der eigenen Einheit dient, umgeben von allen anderen Einheiten ...

Jetzt begeben wir uns in die Geheimnisse des Rhythmus. Die arabisch/iranische Astrologie hatte im 8. Jahrhundert die rhythmischen Geburtstage der Königskonjunktionen (KK) gefunden.

Jeder folgende Geburtstag einer KK, mit Sonne am genauen Ort wie in der Original-Königskonjunktion ist Geber einer 7-Jahres-Periode mit 12 x 7 = 84 Monaten.

Die Herrscher der fortlaufenden 7-Monatsabschnitte, beginnend mit dem Aszendenten, in beiden Richtungen - rechtsläufig, wie linksläufig - sind die Zeichen an der Spitze des jeweiligen Abschnitts und ihre Herrscher, wo immer diese stehen.

Jetzt in unseren Tagen bewegt mein Bewusstsein die Schwingung des Feuers und ich folge den Septaren der Königskonjunktion des Feuer-Elements, die sich seit 1603 ereignet haben..

Um z.B. den Monat der Weltwende im 2. Weltkrieg, der Schlacht bei Kursk festzuhalten, betrachtet man den Zeitraum von Juni1943 - Januar 1944 in Rot linksdrehend und Grün rechtsdrehend vom Aszendenten aus.

Beide Richtungen (beginnend bei ASC) müssen an Juni 1943 (6'43/6'43) den Widder aktualisieren. Herrscher Mars ist im Wassermann ausgelöst Er kann nur, was Uranus erlaubt, und Uranus tut es innerhalb des gesamten Clusters in Schütze/Steinbock mit Uranus = dem Umwerfer und Neptuns Auflösung im großen Stil = Jupiter, in Bezug auf Aufklärung = Merkur, und und Verteidigung und Versorgung = Venus.

49. Septar der Feuer-Königskonjunktion gültig von 1939 - 1946
auf Kursk

Ein anderes Beispiel:

Ich, geboren 1942, lebte bis 1980 in Hamburg, mein Hauptaugenmerk galt immer seiner Situation. So ging mein Ausflug ins Feuer-Element ins 49. Septar von 1603 für Hamburg, das die 'Operation Gomorrha' erlitt und in 5 Nächten zwischen dem 25. Juli und dem 3. August über 32.000 Seelen verlor.

Und das ist es: im vierten Haus von Hamburg, 1943 im 49. Septar von 1603, im 4. Haus wo die Familie isst, trinkt, kocht schläft und liebt.

ausgelöst durch Neptun, der seit Juni '43 Fische regiert, und die Kettenreaktion kollektiver geflügelter (Uranus) Masse (Venus), Leben (Sonne) wandernder (Merkur) Versammlung (Venus) Auflösung (Neptun) im großen Stil (Jupiter).

Es ist die Unermesslichkeit von 30-40.000 Toten bei Angriffen in fünf Nächten und Tagen in der Nacht durch Engländer, bei Tageslicht durch amerikanische Bomber.

Eine Konstellation ist eine Formel. Es ist ein Angebot der Götter, ein Schicksal auf bewusste = gütige Weise, oder in einer verblendeten, ruchlosen Kampagne zu erfüllen.

Wenn die Menschheit als gemeinsamer Körper verstanden wird, ist dies ein schwerer schicksalhafter Cluster, der in einem bewusst gutartigen oder dämonisch bewusstlosen, feindseligen Sinne verwendet werden kann.

Der 49. Septar von 1942 - 1949 enthält das volle Drama Russlands. Zwischen Rückzug und Sieg lagen 4 Jahre und etwa 23 Millionen Menschen starben.

Hier einige andere Bilder dieser 7 Jahre, welche Tageshoroskope zeigen:
10. 10 1041
General Schukow übernimmt Kommando an der Westfront

Operation Uranus bei Stalingrad

7. 13. 1943, Schlacht von Prochorowka

Operation Bagration

Berlin - Operation
Angriff der Roten Armee an den
Seelower Höhen

Und hier zur Gegenwart:

Das aktuelle Feuer-Septar 2023 - 2030 für Moskau

Murnau, 25. 11. 2024, UTC: 10:36.


Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2024

BRICS-Worldmoment in the Sign of Win-Win and the 4 Kingsconjunctions


Tuesday,Oktober 22. 2024 

10. 21. - 29. 2024
0:00 UTC
Under the Zodiac above the
Northern Hemisphere


"If Christ walked on earth today

It is perfectly safe: should a Christ again
walk on earth, he would appear from the press
interviewed and photographed and would not stay
longer alive for more than a month. He would have
to end up as being disgusted with himself, because
he has become intolerable to the point of
banalization. His own success would make
killing him, morally and physically."

C.G.JUNG, 1958
Therefore, he certainly always walks anonymously and unrecognized.
Week 43.
This week suggests to think of the 43rd week in 1648. The American economist Michel Hudson recalled this date this week, since on October 24, 1648, the Thirty Years' War was ended with the conclusion of peace at Münster. It's worth following Hudson's remarks last week. You clearly highlight the universal significance of this week: on Tuesday, the three-day meeting of the BRICS Association of peoples and states of the world, except the USA and its vassal states, on the basis of mutual respect, non-interference and equal rights, will commence. The significance of this conference, which starts on Tuesday in Kazan, Russia, immediately catches the eye when one considers the extraordinary accumulation of the conjunctions of the daytime stars with the constellations of the world horoscopes. These horoscopes that come into question here, like the seasons, refer exclusively to the northern hemisphere of the Earth. In order to make their meaning and significance visible in principle, the following two articles might be best suited:

DAYS AND EONS - 2,600 Years of Royal Conjunctions

SOLON -The world horoscope of - 642

Back to the presence. These are the currently valid royal conjunctions in the four elements, namely, according to age: (click)

In a summary graph, the three days, 10.22. - 24. from 0 a.m. to 24 p.m., appear as follows:

You see, there are fife conjunctions of current planets/lights with constellations of our collective fate since 1305. This is a massive 'miracle'.

To understand these constellations, here are keyword-like interpretations:

The air conjunction of 1980, the most recent, acts on the levels of thinking of Twins, Libra and Aquarius, that is: orientation in space, ideas of harmony, thoughts of man and the universe. The blue Mars marks the beginning of Aquarius, the beginning, the implementation of the new human thinking on Earth. Pluto at the end of Capricorn allows this enforcement to occur as an event at the highest state level.

Mars, the striker, during world historical comparison in Ukraine and Palestine. Is it Mars of Sun in Cancer, the Soul King, and his wise advisor Mercury, who have been given the whole foundation of life here for the flowing phenomenon of life for almost 800 years in the bosom of the family. The radicality of good, Sun/Mercury in Cancer, makes the radicality of evil on the other side comprehensible. So it is Mars the destroyer and keeper of the soul that is being negotiated in this BRICS gathering.
Inset The Earth Conjunction of 1802, the youngest, valid until 2577

like the one from 154 AD

the Sun in Cancer
This was the earth- conjunction under which the collapse of the Roman Empire took place, at the same time as the rise of women in the Christian communities and in Roman elites.

back to Mars King conjunctions in the earth element work on the Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn levels, that is: Taurus the collection, rooting and demarcation in territories and social herds, Virgo the perception and use of the conditions of life Capricorn the order of social collectives in state constitutions The Sun / Mercury conjunction In the earth Horoscope of 1802 in Cancer makes the expression of life and reason appear under this royal conjunction in the devotion to the private and emotional sphere of the family. The rise of the 'feminine element' was already evident in Rome at that time, as studies of works in this field testify. The central role of this constellation becomes clear in the current global conflicts for the promotion and destruction of the family. Transitioning Mars is the Mars of both parties, BRICS: pro-family, the West: anti- family.
* **

What a hit: the Sun in the same constellation as in Münster on 24.10.1648. It is the Kingsconjunction in the water element, father Saturn and son Jupiter, enlivened by the collective expression of life through Sun. The order of Münster had been respected by the states of Europe for over 250 years until the 1st World War.

Westphalian Peace Agreement

Oktober 24. 1648, 12:00 local time Münster

Back to presence: The water -element acts on the level of feeling in the three watermarks and their carriers - as a Cancer / Moon as a flowing source of the individual soul(s), representing the inner rivers,
-as Scorpio / Pluto almost crystallizing the flow of feelings into an attitude, carrying the values that the personal soul perceives in a collective context, from family to people as a care and sacrifice,
- as Pisces / Neptune the collective feeling, which always wants to lead people from insanity into 'adult reason' to 'become like a child again', as Christ and Lao Tzu's Tao admonish in the love of a child's heart For 720 years, this royal conjunction in the water - element in Scorpio has been reminding us what Roman Catholic and Protestant reality has so cruelly missed: becoming a child again. Even though individual clergymen and congregations with them always remained close to the Word of Christ. So - Sun - in Scorpio: the heart - wants to give! And BRICS wants it.


Finally, Mercury in Scorpio, on the 24th at almost the highest approximation to the Neptune of the earth -element of 1802. The essential thing about the earth -element is said above in the conjunction of Mars. The Neptune resolver that Mercury encounters here is both: the resolver of the spent and the child-symbol of the new. In Scorpio, Mercury refers to the rules of intercourse and exchange, as they govern Twins and Virgo these areas, which in Scorpio are based on compliance. The anti-corruption component: Mercury in Scorpio. Thus, this constellation in the earth- element sets the framework for the political 'vessel' in which the four elements meet and a prosperous form of exchange between peoples and states is to be found under the sign of win-win.


Finally, and apart from the transits to the 4 Kingsconjunctions, the constellations of this week are also on the agenda for themselves, which is called for agreement in two squares of opposing components:
Pluto / Sun

In both cases, it is the highest level, as a time sign Capricorn, and as a momentum, Saturn, which are triggered this week. With the Sun, it is the creative collective potential that is called into the higher-order, above subjective just order, in the sign of Venus, the possession and soul are called into Pisces under the childlike just order of Saturn. Murnau, 22.10.2024, UTC: 10:22.

Murnau, 10. 29. 2024 UTC: 19:29:
